Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Everyone needs a sign

My sign came to me on my way to work. I was contemplating leaving a stable job in which I had been with the company for 12 years. It would be a major move. I liked the people I worked with and knew my job. However, it was becoming very clear to me that the right thing to do was to leave. 

As I was driving down the road and making my way to the gatehouse, a car was in front of me. Oh my goodness. I looked at the license plate. And there it was, right in front of me. I grabbed my cell phone and quickly took a picture. This was just too amazing. This was finally the key to the lock, the combination numbers to the safe, the answer to my prayers.

Let me go back. For a good year or two I kept seeing this number. 808. The more I noticed it, the more it appeared. The key to our file cabinet is 808, my eyes always seem to look at the clock at precisely 8:08. Our hotel room on vacation was 808. The extension 
to the front desk was 808. Everywhere I looked I saw 808. The area code in Hawaii is 808-one of my favorite places to vacation. The restaurant in Las Vegas was named 808. Those numbers spoke to me. If I had a camera for every time I saw the numbers 808 it would be full. But, I didn't need one photo album. I just needed that one picture. The picture that literally spelled it out for me.

You would think I would have gotten it earlier. I would have understood the meaning. But, no. It had to spelled out to me.

I firmly believe you have to be open to things. You have to let things in. Even though you might not understand it, you need to embrace it and go with it.

I believe in angels. I believe that you have souls watching out for you.

I've told my family and friends this story. Now when they see 808 they will call me, or text me saying they saw the number and were thinking of me.

I wear a bracelet with 808 on it. It's always on. It serves as a comfort for me.

The picture that literally spelled it out for me was a license plate that read "Dad 808".  It was right in front of me. I firmly believe that it was and is my Dad saying to me that he is with me. Always watching out for me. 

My Dad died when he was only 72 years of age. I was 32 years old. He died too soon. I needed more time with him. I was lucky enough to have 20 more years with my Mom before she died. I had so much more to learn from my Dad. He was a great man. He had a heart of gold. He helped shape me. He taught me to speak up. He helped me with my confidence and told me that "education can never be taken away from you". He was so proud of me. He was thrilled that I went into Nursing. 

I remember coming home from church one Sunday and telling my Dad that they said they were praying for him. I thought to myself that he was fine. But, he knew better. A few days later he died of congestive heart failure. I was in shock. How could a man with such a huge heart die of congestive heart failure. His heart that was once so strong just gave out.

And so, eighteen years ago after my Dad died, I finally started seeing his presence. Every time I see 808 I think of my Dad. I know he is watching over me. I'm sure I saw 808 way before 18 years after his passing. But, maybe I was not ready to put the connection together. My eyes were closed but now they are open. I'm trying to make my Dad proud of me. I'm trying to do the right thing. Each and every day. 

Sometimes when you least expect it, you are given a sign. It's your choice whether or not you want to embrace it. I'm so happy I chose to make the connection. It gives me peace.


  1. That story brought tears to my eyes ,! You were truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad and Mom!

  2. That story brought tears to my eyes ,! You were truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad and Mom!
